Our Brick sales have reopened.
For all of our donors who previously bought bricks, we regard them as special memorials as do you.
All of the bricks that have been recovered are now in storage for safe keeping.
New commemorative brick orders will be held in storage until the new gardens have been designed and built.
The Friends of the Bridge have created fundraisers that not only help sustain the organization but also encourage residents, guests and their friends to connect with this unique attraction.
Commemorative bricks line the pathways along the Bridge and can be purchased for $200 at any time to honor or memorialize a loved one, a friend or beloved pet. It’s a great gift that doesn’t make you gain weight, won’t wilt and will last a lifetime! Order as many as you like and support the Bridge, too.
If you have questions about a brick purchase, contact bricksales@lakelurefloweringbridge.org.

Lake Lure was the last place we visited as a family before my dad passed of early-onset Alzheimer’s. He loved horticulture, daylilies in particular, [and] he loved seeing the Flowering Bridge. Thank you and all the volunteers that maintain it and brought a smile to his face. We are visiting in August and look forward to finding his brick.
Looking for your Pathfinder Brick at the Lake Lure Flowering Bridge?
Type any keyword to find your brick. Bricks without a location listed have not yet been installed.
Brick Location | Line 2 | Line 3 | Line 4 |
Brick Location | Line 2 | Line 3 | Line 4 |

Lake Lure Flowering Bridge is a volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Donations to help preserve and maintain the bridge and gardens are appreciated — and tax-deductible.