In 2012, the Friends of the Flowering Bridge’s newly formed Board of Directors needed seed money to jump start the project. We asked local families to invest $100 to be a Founder of the Gardens. We were pleased with how many folks trusted us and our vision as we raised $23,000 to start creating these special gardens. Each donor received an engraved brick that was installed in our Founders Circle. The Friends of the Bridge will be forever grateful for the generosity of this group of donors who believed in us before the gardens began growing.
Was your Brick recovered after the storm?
Look up your brick in the Brick Locator

Lake Lure Properties
Chimney Rock Baptist Church
Lake Lure Lions Club
Lake Lure Classical Academy
Pine Gables Cabins
Herrmann International
Stonecutter Foundation
Pinnacle Sotheby’s Int’l. Realty
Painters Greenhouse
Allen Family
Leslie & Vern Allen and Family
John & Erin Anderson
Casa Bacot
Diane Barrett
Curt Bartelt
Fred & Kathy Bauch
Mary Jo Bertsch
Sara Bentley
Bill Blackburn
Marshall & Susan Brooks
Kendrick & Mary Ann Brown
Marilyn Christoph
Jim & Karen Coble
Don & Connie Connell
Chad & Pam Dittmer
James & Susan Dunn
Ginger Efird Edgeworth
Dean Egley
Steve & Marcia Eisenbrown
Duane & Margaret Erwin
Wendy Field
Clark & Sherry Ford
Bill & Rae Frykberg
Mary Jaeger-Gale & Steve Gale
Paul & Gray Green
Matthew Greenway
Andrew Hill & Family
Walker Hughes & Patsy Sadler
Mike & Ellen Huber
Bilinda & Peter Kaufman
Sue & Terrell Lewis
Alex & Julia Marshall
Lloyd & Foye Joslin
Bob & Pam Keith
Aileen & Doug Kelly
Eric & Ina Kunath
Russ & Doris Lloyd
Ramona Lumpkin
Lee Armstrong & Mike Lumpkin
Jerry & Janet Martin
William & Peggy McBrayer
Tom & Carole McKay
Chuck & Diane Merrick
Steve & Judy Milito
John & Paula Moore
Meg Nealon
Richard & Barbara Nealon
Lemuel & Sandre Oates
Anne-Marie & Bobby Parker
Julie & Tolly Pevy
Nan & Hugh Pinney
Jeannie Porter
Perry & Carol Rawson
Anna Rentz
The Seemores
Richard Seeley, Jr.
Rose Senehi
Rick Shearin
Charles & Mary Shuver
Mary Ann Silvey
William (Bill) Silvey
Joe & Darlene Springer
G & R Spitzer
Richard & Kelly Spruill
Sandra & Robert St. Clair
Michael Stead
Catherine Gibbon Tanner
David & Jane Thompson
Linda & Woody Turner
Bryant & Mary Karr Williams
Chris & Carol Wolfe
Robin & Bonnie Worcester
Jackson & Ryan Yelton
Michael & Michelle Yelton
Naomi Yelton
Robert & Misty Yelton
Charlene Efird, Realtor
The Mountain Breeze Newspaper
Lodge on Lake Lure
Gorge Gardener / Chuck Horton
K Enterprises Inc
Chimney Rock Management LLC
Judy Arnold & Leah Hughes
Yvonne Asay
Shannon & Anna Baldwin
Lorraine Barnwell
Moe & Bill Bay
Joe Beam
Bill Beeman
Gary and Patti Blenden
Chris Braund & Karen Van Sickler
Butch & Joanne Cathey
Candy & Chris Corr
Blaine & Veryle Lynn Cox
Paul & Sandy Craven
Ed & Kay Dittmer
Todd Dunnuck
Aaron & Lenora Efird
David & Charlene Efird
Holly Ironhead Efird
Charlie & Susie Ellis
Michael & Scott Eisenbrown
Douglas & Bruce Eisenbrown
Nancy & Ernest Dubiel
Emily Eisenbrown
Liana & Deloras Foster
Richard & Jane Franklin
Melany Furimsky
Gem of an Idea
Melanie & Brad Greenway
Amanda Greenway
Shay & Bonnie Gregorie
Kevin Hall Family
Chuck Hailey
Valerie Hoffman
Cindy P. Hubbard
Kevin & Joan Hatfield
Michael & Heather Johnson
Peggy L. Keyes
Willie Mae Lumpkin
Lynn J. Lund
Linda Mallory
Robert Mallory
Alfred Marshall
Charles K. Marshall
Bill & Jerry McAninch
Mike & Debbie McPherson
Joan & Russ Meade
Charles & Vera McVickers
John & Mimi Moore
William & Eleanor Miller
Mark & Dee Montgomery
Neal Kay Foundation
Carl & Saundra Nelson
Don Pittman
Russ & Lynn Pitts
Kyle Porter
Mike & Julie Payne
Deborah Proctor
David & Caroline Root
Betty Ross
Matthew C Ross
Pat & Dave Pearson
Sam the Dog
T. Russell Sherrill
Pat Smith
Nancy Neely & Ruth Spitzer
Bill & Jamie Stanton
Rick & Angela Stockdale
Kenneth & Kathy Tanner
Jimmy & Cathy Tanner
Katie & Sally Tanner
Cheryl Ostrowski Taylor
Vera & Bradly Taylor
Betty & Brown Thornton
Darryl & Grace Unruh
Rick & Jen Vivolo Family
Adrienne & Brad Wallace
Janet & Jim Walters
Chuck & Joselyn Watkins
Fred Wilson Family
George & Hope Wittmer
Charlie & Emily Yelton
Lake Lure Flowering Bridge is a volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Donations to help preserve and maintain the bridge and gardens are appreciated — and tax-deductible.