A group of enthusiastic residents simply came together to discuss an idea that has become one of the most admired attractions in Hickory Nut Gorge – the Lake Lure Flowering Bridge.
Ever wonder where the idea for the Lake Lure Flowering Bridge originated? Check out the TEDx Tryon Presentation, September, 2016
Lake Lure Flowering Bridge
It started as a dream and became A Gateway to Somewhere Beautiful.

In September 2024, Hurricane Helene forever changed the landscape our beautiful gardens. Despite the destruction, the LLFB volunteers are committed to developing new gardens and continuing our mission. Follow our progress on social media or visit our website.
Over 180,000 people visit every year. Let us count you in!
The Development Timeline
A new bridge connecting the towns of Chimney Rock and Lake Lure opens. Local resident, Bill Miller, presented an idea of saving the old bridge to the Lake Lure Town Council. The Town approves saving the bridge and asks the State to deed it to the Town to be developed as a pedestrian walkway garden.
Initial community meetings were led by Bill Miller to share the idea of planting gardens on the historic 1927 bridge that was slated to be demolished when the new bridge opened.
A Steering Committee was formed with interested community volunteers to further develop the idea. This committee worked for five months, accomplishing the following:
- Named/created the organization
- Applied for 501.(c)(3) non-profit designation
- Obtained website domain
- Created bylaws and job descriptions for Board of Directors
The first Board of Directors was elected.
Began a Founders Circle Fundraising Drive. Donation of $100 for an engraved brick in the Founders Circle of the garden.
A Bridge Preservation and Enhancement Plan was created by the new Board and present to Town Council and to the NC State DOT for approval.
The Board of Directors began its work:
- Hired a landscape architect firm. Completed the design for bridge gardens and local stone mason began construction of the bridge planters.
- Garden Design Team of five volunteers began working on planter themes and plant choices, making visits to other gardens and nurseries.
- Researched potting soil options: a rich soil that would drain well, organically made, and affordable. Five tractor trailer loads of soil were
needed to fill planters.
Volunteers planted first plants in the east gardens toward Lake Lure, installed split rail fencing, installed dry creek bed for drainage, and prepared ground on each side of walkway for future plantings.
Installed an historic 1920’s lamp and post from the original Lake Lure Elementary School.
- Began annual donor drive.
- Closed Founders Circle and opened Pathfinder Brick Drive opportunity ($200 donation for engraved brick along west end pathway.
- Held first plant sale on the bridge where no plants were yet planted.
Local stonemasons completed Bridge planters.
Installed drainage system and soil.
Garden Design Team completed themes, plant selections and ordering, and developed/organized planting plan. First plants installed in April.
Installed potting shed on west end:
- Added soil and planted gardens on each side of shed.
- Installed split rail fence, bench and chairs, and container garden on old roadbed by shed to make entrance attractive.
Installed irrigation:
- Drip in planters
- Overhead rotating sprays in east end gardens
Installed first bench in the east garden made by a local craftsman.
Installed low-voltage lighting system in east garden and Bridge planters.
Grand Opening: October 19
Creative Projects:
- Pumpkin People
- Fairy Gardens
- Holiday Decorations
- Plant sale
- Annual donor drive
- Pathfinder Bricks
- Donation Boxes
Continued plantings on east and west ends of Bridge.
First organized group tours with docents.
First organized education classes.
Installed planter baskets and tall lamps on Bridge rails.
Began using numbered plant identification tag system in planters on the Bridge.
Plants tagged with a number corresponding to plant list in each garden.
Qualified as a Certified Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation.
Creative Projects:
- Pumpkin People
- Fairy Gardens
- Planted Chairs
- Holiday Decorations
- Plant sale
- Annual donor drive
- Pathfinder Bricks
- Donation Boxes
Created encroachment plan for old right-of-way on west end to develop new structures and gardens:
- Approved by the Town of Lake Lure and Rutherford County.
- Applied to the NC DOT for permission to build per plan. Approved: 2 arbors, 1 atrium, pathways, and educational kiosk.
Continued paving of west end path as funds allowed.
Qualified as Certified Monarch Waystation by Monarch Watch.
Local artists designed Flowering Bridge Mural by potting shed; painted and installed by artists and volunteers.
Creative Projects:
- Pumpkin People
- Fairy Gardens
- Holiday Decorations
- Last plant sale
- Annual donor drive
- Pathfinder Bricks
- Donation Boxes
West End:
- Atrium constructed/installed by volunteers
- Ordered wrought iron dome from local craftsman
- Planted gardens
- Installed pavers as funds allowed
Completed and dedicated cellphone and sensory tour for visually impaired visitors. The Lake Lure Lions Club donated and dedicated a lion’s head fountain in honor of Helen Keller.
Completed Welcome Terrace structure (benches and paver patio); gardens planted.
Designed and planted Secret Garden.
Began plans for Educational Kiosk:
- Content
- Design
- Fundraising
Creative Projects:
- Pumpkin People
- Fairy Gardens
- Painted doors
- Tip Toe through the Tulips
- Holiday Decorations
- Annual donor drive
- Pathfinder Bricks
- Donation Boxes
- Educational Kiosk construction grants
Projects completed:
- Constructed and installed Arbor 1 (local craftsman); planted gardens
- Constructed steps to Riverside Gardens and Broad River (local craftsman)
- Completed paver path to Boys Camp Road
- Created and planted Shade Country and Sun Country gardens (wests end); new bench, arbor and patio
- Created and installed Annual Giving Tree (local craftsman)
- Created and installed Atrium chandelier (local craftsman)
Dedicated mural created by Lake Lure Artists/gardeners as a mural on the Appalachian Mural Trail.
Creative Projects:
- Pumpkin People
- Fairy Gardens
- Scarecrows
- Holiday Decorations
- Annual donor drive
- Pathfinder Bricks
- Donation Boxes
- Town of Lake Lure Parks allotment
- Craft booth at Lake Lure Arts and Crafts Festival
- Educational Kiosk: local organizations, Rutherford County TDA grant program
Fifth year anniversary celebration is held on the Bridge.
Constructed and installed Arbor 2 (local craftsman); planted gardens
Educational Kiosk:
- Selected design team
- Finalized content and design
- Materials ordered
- Completed build by local craftsman
Creative Projects:
- Pumpkin People
- Fairy Gardens
- Scarecrows
- Luminaries
- Holiday Decorations
- Annual donor drive
- Pathfinder Bricks
- Donation Boxes
- Town of Lake Lure Parks allotment
- Craft booth at Lake Lure Arts and Crafts Festival
Completed and installed Kiosk panel signage; Educational Kiosk dedicated in April
Projects completed (a new garden for us):
- Removed dead tree in garden
- Created Petunia’s Hideout
- Created a tree for the bee to live
- Created a living roof
Creative Projects:
- The Language of Flowers books/painted bricks
- Windows to Somewhere Beautiful
- Pumpkin People
- Scarecrows
- Holiday Decorations
- Annual donor drive
- Pathfinder Bricks
- Donation Boxes
- Periodic craft booths

Covid 19 Pandemic:
- Closed the Bridge from March to May; gardeners able to work in groups of 3
- Restricted spending based on insecurity of visitors and donations
- Posted 8 signs saying “Facecoverings Required to Visit the Bridge”
- Saw record number of visitors, likely due to families traveling locally
New Garden Project:
- Cleaned up Riverside Garden hill
- Created the River’s Edge Dog Garden (donated by local family)
Creative Projects:
- Bunnies on the Bridge (removed early due to closing Bridge)
- Here Comes the Sun (suns painted by Lake Lure artists and auctioned in October; yellow decorations throughout gardens
- Pumpkin Pets
- Holiday Theme: Happy Holidays from our Gnome to Yours
- Annual donor drive
- Pathfinder Bricks
- Donation Boxes
- Here Comes the Sun auction
Projects completed:
- Redesigned the Cottage Garden by potting shed to Peter Rabbit’s Children’s Garden. Planted plants consistent with early 1900’s from Beatrix Potter’s Garden; created activities for children; used rabbits of Peter’s family; created Mr. McGregor’s Potting Shed mural (painted by Amy Wald).
- Designed and created new mural with blue background and white flowers for the White Garden (designed and painted by Amy Wald).
- Constructed/installed Chimney Swift Tower (donated by NC family).
- Redesigned and built new Pollinator Garden. Used English garden design, replanted plants; built new path patio and pergola; installed adirondak
chairs with trellis backdrop.
Creative Projects:
- Bunnies on the Bridge
- Fairy Gardens
- Loaded for Bear (bears painted by Lake Lure artists and auctioned in October)
- Pumpkin Pets
- Holiday Themed Displays; sleds in beds
- Pathfinder Bricks: Say it With a Brick (Feb-March discounted by 20%)
- Annual Donor Drive
- Donation Boxes
- Loaded For Bear online art auction
Created an Education Center Task Force to design, plan and install an onsite-education center:
- Initial meetings focused on working through exercises to help create the framework for the center.
- Researched many building types; firmed up the size of 24 ft x 36 ft with 14 ft x 36’ covered front porch.
- Hired engineer Kim Warner to create plans for center.
- Worked with State DOT and State Parks to try to secure the land across Boys Camp Road for visitor parking.
- Worked with the Town of Lake Lure on permits, council updates, and to create a lease agreement between the Town for use of Town land by the Bridge.
Projects completed:
- Built and installed Rainbow Bridge (Amy Wald) across the culvert by the River’s Edge Dog Garden. Installed signage with Rainbow Bridge Poem and description of our Rainbow Bridge. This was instantly popular with visitors and featured in many media publications. Multiple dog tags/collars have been hung on the Rainbow Bridge in memory of beloved pets who have passed.
- Installed paver patio in River’s Edge Dog Garden.
- Installed trellis build by volunteers and class participants (class taught by Amy Wald).
- Installed patio walkway in east end near the butterfly mural.
- Installed new trellis over the bench dedicated to Charlene Efird.
Conducted group Ambassador Training (history, organization, garden walks) for anyone involved in the bridge. Many volunteers have been trained to be garden guides.
- Conducted onsite classes, outside, April – October and well attended by public and volunteers.
- Conducted small and large group tours led by volunteers.
- For Visual and Hearing Impaired week, visitors came from all over with guides and our volunteers were in the gardens walking through with the
groups. - Partnered with Polk County YMCA and hosted approximately 130 campers who participated in guided walks, learning about plants, creating
a take-home art project and going on a scavenger hunt. - Conducted special educational events for Earth Day (April) and Pollinator Week (June)
Garden Co-Chairs (Kathy Tanner, Debbie Clark) conducted garden walks with each garden area chair to brainstorm plans for each space; notes typed and distributed to chairs for implementation.
Creative Projects:
- Tip Toe Through the Tulips
- A Tisket a Tasket A Bridge Full of Baskets
- Fanciful Fairy Gardens (using repurposed containers)
- Pumpkin People
- Holiday-themed vignettes
- Pathfinder Bricks: Say it With a Brick (Feb-March discounted by 20%)
- Annual Donor Drive
- Donation Boxes; added new one to Rainbow Bridge area
- Another Bear Affair online art auction
10 th Year Anniversary Celebration
- Not Your Typical Garden Party – 160 tickets; silent auction; catered buffetmeal, desserts, open bar; live music; Riverside Event Center; all proceeds
toward the Education Center - Created a 10-year Time Capsule
- Fundraising and planning continued
Projects Completed:
- Created the A. P. Whipple Azalea Garden featuring 30 native azaleas
- Conducted special educational events for Earth Day (April) and Pollinator Week (June)
- Conducted six onsite classes that were well attended by public and volunteers.
- Conducted small and large group tours led by volunteers.
Creative Projects:
- Pretty Pansy Pots
- Daffy Ducks
- Bridge Full of Butterflies and Baskets
- Fairy Gardens
- Pumpkin People
- Holidays in the Garden “A Storybook Christmas”
- Pathfinder Bricks
- Annual Donor Drive
- Donation Boxes
- Dogwood art online art auction (October)
- Two plant sales
In September 2024, Hurricane Helene forever changed the landscape of our beautiful gardens. The store wreaked unprecedented devastation throughout the Hickory Nut Gorge in Western North Carolina, extensively damaging the towns of Lake Lure and Chimney Rock. More information included below.
Education Center:
- Task Force turned project over to Construction Committee
- K Enterprises, a local Lake Lure contractor, was selected to build the new facility
- All permitting was completed to begin building
- A Groundbreaking Ceremony conducted on June 6
Projects Completed:
- Constructed new volunteer parking area
- Expanded the potting shed/potting area
- Relocated Chimney Swift Tower to native azalea garden
- Restructured many irrigation zones
Creative Projects:
- Birds of a Feather
- Secret Fairy Trails
- Pumpkin Pirate Adventures and Christmas Around the World were cancelled due to Hurricane Helene
- Conducted special educational events for Earth Day (April) and Pollinator Week (June)
- Conducted four onsite classes that were well attended by the public and volunteers. Three classes were cancelled due to Hurricane Helene.
- Conducted small and large group tours led by volunteers.
- Pathfinder Bricks
- Annual Donor Drive
- Donation Boxes
- Plant Sale during Pollinator Week Celebration
- Rainbow Bridge personalized certificate commemorating placement of a collar or tag on the RB
Aftermath of Hurricane Helene (September 27):
- The Flowering Bridge sustained much damage with most of our 30 themed gardens being washed away or buried under massive amounts of
sand and debris - The old bridge, which connected the west and east gardens, sustained much structural damage leaving no structure connecting the bridge to the
land on the other side where many of our gardens were. The old bridge was deemed unsafe by Thrasher Engineering for pedestrian use and
closed immediately. - Developed Talking Points for consistent messaging and to “control our narrative” in response to much media attention:
- Emphasize that we are in a recovery phase with no timeline for rebuilding due to many unknowns
- Emphasize that the Rainbow Bridge was just one feature of the Flowering Bridge and that we lost much more. This was in response to so much media interest in the loss of the RB and collars.
- Use of social media platforms (Facebook & Instagram) for up-to-date communications. Followers on both platforms substantially
increased following the storm. - Emphasize that we are a viable and strong organization, and we do intend to come back
- Some plants were recovered, dug up, and relocated to the home of volunteer Debbie Clark.
- The Education Center withstood the storm but sustained flooding damage which was corrected by K Enterprises.
- The Kiosk and Atrium (west side) withstood the storm.
- The Guardrail Gardens (east side) have most of its azaleas, hydrangeas, grasses, and special red bud trees. The weeping bald cypress trees, the
Franklin tree and the Jane magnolia appeared in good shape after the storm. - Suspended volunteer recruitment efforts, pathfinder brick sales, tours, classes
- Suspended active fundraising efforts; however, many donations were received organically following the storm. Several fundraising “scams” were identified and immediately communicated on our social media.
- Created Recovery Team to work with Board of Directors, Lake Lure town leaders and others to provide oversight and leadership through the
recovery process. - Nonprofit Spokes of Hope volunteers were instrumental in sand and debris removal, power washing walkways, and mulching.
- Small garden areas on both west and east ends were planted with spring flowering bulbs, and pansies and ornamental kale for winter
At the beginning of the year, we remained in a recovery mode with still many unknowns that impact redesigning and rebuilding efforts. Media attention has significantly decreased, and we use social media as our main communication method.
We selected a garden theme for 2025: “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow”
We continue to emphasize that we are a viable and strong organization.

Lake Lure Flowering Bridge is a volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Donations to help preserve and maintain the bridge and gardens are appreciated — and tax-deductible.